Sponsorship and Support


From the very beginning more than 800 years ago, the Alexian Brothers decided to focus on people Especially those needy people who are forced to live at the margins of society.


They follow the example of Jesus Christ, who devoted himself to these people with particular love and who asked his disciples to do the same. Their mission statement is  "Caritas Christi urget nos - The Love of Christ Compels Us“.

Caritas Christi urget nos

The foundation supports the works of Christian charity at home and abroad. The aim of the foundation is thus to raise funds:

  • to support public health services,
  • to support the disabled and the elderly,
  • to support public welfare systems,
  • to support charitable activities,
  • to support ecclesiastical activities.


Alexian Facilities

The support is achieved in particular by running general and psychiatric hospitals, facilities and sheltered workshops for people with disabilities, nursing homes for elderly, facilities for health promotion and rehabilitation, and facilities for ambulatory care.

Alexians nationwide in Germany

Learn more about the facilities of the Alexians



Alexian-mission statement

The mission statement of the company for you to Download